Viale Bianca Maria n. 25 – 20122 Milan, Italy
+39 02 76014179
+39 02 76390535
Come possiamo aiutarti?
Il diritto penale ambientale ha assunto negli ultimi anni crescente rilievo nel nostro ordinamento in conseguenza…
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Labour law constitutes a specific field of criminal law and is aimed at…
Corporate law plays an important role in the area of white-collar crimes, as it punishes…
Bankruptcy law, a traditional area of corporate criminal liability, comprises…
Criminal tax law is commonly considered the area of criminal law that deals with criminal sanctions…
Capital market criminal law is aimed at limiting the risks derived from…
IT and telecommunications law is a highly innovative area of criminal law and is aimed at protecting…
The criminal law of urban planning and construction is aimed at ensuring that construction activity develops in accordance…
Criminal law also protects food safety, targeting any tampering with product safety, while…
Administrative liability of legal entities resulting from an offence is no longer a novelty in Italian law…
Offences against public administration form a particularly…
Our increasingly complex and multifaceted society offers multiple opportunities for risk caused not so much by…
Crimes against property represent a traditional component of criminal law, since…
Criminal law also protects cultural heritage, broadly understood…