Viale Bianca Maria n. 25 – 20122 Milan, Italy
+39 02 76014179
+39 02 76390535
Come possiamo aiutarti?
Carlo Baccaredda Boy graduated summa cum laude in law from the University of Milan with a dissertation on criminal law titled “Recidivism”. Supervisor: Prof. Pietro Nuvolone.
He has been a member of the Milan Bar Association since March 1989 and has had the right of audience to appear before the Supreme Court since May 2001.
Following his legal traineeship and after initially working with a well-known legal professional, Carlo Baccaredda Boy set up his own practice in 1994, initially sharing it with eminent scholars of criminal law, before opening his new firm in 2004 at its current address in Viale Bianca Maria 25 in Milan.
Carlo Baccaredda Boy performs his professional duties in the field of criminal law by offering in and out-of-court assistance in matters concerning environmental law, health and work safety law, corporate law, bankruptcy law, tax and finance law, customs law and IT law. Additionally, he advises clients on issues arising from criminal liability and protection of the medical profession, banks, insurance companies and telecommunications companies.
He also offers counsel on administrative liability of legal entities, including the drafting and revision of organization and management models per LD n. 231/2001.
In the course of his career, Carlo Baccaredda Boy has accepted to be the defence counsel in high-profile cases, including corporate trials such as Banco Ambrosiano, Sasea-De Angeli Frua, Parmalat, Unipol/BNL, Ubi Banca and Banca Etruria. As regards the telecommunications sector, he has been involved as a civil claimant in the so-called ‘Telecom trial’. He has also provided counsel in the Linate airport disaster trial and the Morandi Bridge collapse trial.
For many years Carlo Baccaredda Boy has been providing senior executives with his professional expertise in the field of safety and environmental law. Indeed, he has been involved in such high-profile trials as Petrolchimico in Porto Marghera as well as other chemical plants and synthetic fibres manufacturing plants. Similarly, Carlo Baccaredda Boy has been involved in criminal trials over the industrial estates of Bussi sul Tirino, Spinetta Marengo, Verbania and Crotone for problems relating to environmental pollution, water contamination and occupational diseases. He has also been involved in the trial concerning the steel plant in Taranto.
Carlo Baccaredda Boy also deals – in and out of court – with criminal cases arising from the management of power plants as well as renewable energy plants.
Carlo Baccaredda Boy has been a keynote speaker at numerous conferences, especially in the areas of labour law, environmental law, corporate law and criminal liability for healthcare providers.
He is a member of the academic committee of the ‘Gian Domenico Pisapia’ criminal bar association in Milan and regularly coordinates and participates in its training events. He is a lecturer on the two-year programme in Techniques and deontological ethics for the registration of court-appointed defence lawyers run by the Criminal Bar Association and the Milan Bar Association, in addition to lecturing at the Graduate School for the legal professions at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan and on the specialization course in corporate criminal law run by Just Legal Service. He is an adjunct lecturer in criminal law on the postgraduate course in corporate law held at the School of Law of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. He has also collaborated as a speaker with the Scuola Nazionale di Alta Formazione for criminal lawyers run by the Italian Criminal Lawyers Association.
Carlo Baccaredda Boy has also collaborated with Prof. Pietro Nuvolone at the Criminal law department of the University of Milan. He subsequently worked with Prof. Giorgio Marinucci and Prof. Emilio Dolcini for many years.
Together with a number of colleagues, university professors and magistrates, Carlo Baccaredda Boy has established the local chapter of LAPEC in Milan. LAPEC is a not-for-profit association, which, thanks to its permanent study group, aims to scrutinize those principles and provisions governing cross-examinations in criminal proceedings as well as any principles and provisions governing due process and fair procedure.
He is the author of numerous publications.
Baccaredda Boy Law Firm can rely on the considerable expertise of many solicitors and trainee lawyers, all of whom hold honours degrees and are still collaborating with the Milan university network. For the past few years, Carlo Baccaredda Boy has been welcoming the best interns from various Milanese universities for training and orientation purposes.
Professional liability Insurance: XL CATLIN SERVICE SE (AXA) – Policy no: BL050000230. Expiry date: 30.05.2022. Renewed on a yearly basis.